Conservation Planning
Hi! My name is Bob Bernard and I am the Conservation Chair for Trout Unlimited North Bear. I would like to take a moment to share with our readers and members some of the current conservation planning with which I am working.
1) Planting trees to help keep streams cool and reduce erosion while absorbing air carbon emissions. We are trying to find a partner and location where we can do this. Our focus streams would be those stated in our Strategic Plant (i.e. North Bear, South Bear, and Waterloo). We would apply for a grant from Trees Forever to help provide for this project.
2) Embrace-A-Stream grant development is currently underway. This grant is through the national Trout Unlimited and I am working on developing a goal, location, purpose, and partner for a future project.
3) TU North Bear is currently implementing our Embrace-A-Stream grant for Japanese Knotweed eradication. The North Bear Chapter is providing a match of cash and in-kind. The TU Iowa Council has also donated $1,000 towards equipment and supply purchases.